Essential elements of eCommerce shipping

by Virginia Wilbur

Business owners invest a lot in making sure their clients get the best experience and products. This is especially the case for online businesses because reviews from clients could either make or break a business. From using high-quality images to making changes to their stores, a lot of work makes an online business successful. Shipping is one of the most challenging aspects of running an eCommerce business. Most business owners feel like they are handing their brand to a stranger when they outsource shipping tasks. In this post, we discuss some essential elements of eCommerce shipping.

Tips for eCommerce shipping

Below are some incredible and efficient tips for eCommerce shipping;

1.Consider the weight of the product

The first thing you need to do when handling the shipping of your products is their weight. Knowing the weight of your products will help you calculate your shipping costs accurately. Note that the weight of the products does not double as the shipping weight. When shipping, there an additional weight of the packaging and other elements. Therefore, your shipping costs are not based on the product’s actual weight but the shipping weight.

2.Consider regional shipping with a flat rate

Regional shipping and flat-rate services are the best options for eCommerce businesses, especially new ones. This is because they are inexpensive, and they are also the easiest eCommerce shipping method to understand. Most of these services go as far as to provide boxes hence saving the cost of shipping. However, for big eCommerce businesses, there are other shipping services that you may want to look into.

3.Take a close look at your margins

If you want to succeed in eCommerce, you need to consider your profit margins. Shipping costs significantly affect your profit margin in the industry. Therefore, you need to calculate the eCommerce shipping costs use it to calculate the profit margins. The point is to make sure you are continually making a profit leat your business won’t be worth it.

Tips for calculating eCommerce shipping costs

Shipping costs are affected by the following factors;

  • Size of the package
  • Weight of the package
  • The origin address (where your business or fulfillment center is located)
  • Destination address (the address of the client meant to receive the product)
  • Tracking and insurance

Different eCommerce shipping services offer varying costs and rates. The factors that they consider also differ from one service provider to the next. For instance, some companies will charge you for the time spent packing and shipping orders and the number. Others may offer discounts or increased rates depending on the number of orders fulfilled in a day.

Final Word

Most companies making their way into the eCommerce industry use free shipping to attract clients. Therefore, when people shop online, most of them are looking to get free shipping offers. While this is a good move, you need to make it clear to clients that the offer does not last throughout your business’s lifespan. The last thing you want to do is lose clients when the free shipping offers come to an end.

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